Wednesday, May 4, 2016

pixie dust

Close of Day 3 and a couple of observations to note:

I am Diet Coke free and feel good.

I am french fry and candy free and feel good.

I know everyone said it would get rid of my cravings but this quickly?

I'm starting to understand the power of the Pink Drink and how it balances blood sugar.

Oddly, I'm not crying.  I thought about it last night but didn't really feel like it.  I know that one sounds strange but I've been so depressed the last three years that every day has some sob time for me.  Except the last two.  Hmmm.

And... trumpets sound here... I'm sleeping!  A lot!  I usually get 3-4 hours a night.  The last two nights I'm out by 10pm and wake between 6:15 and 6:30am.  Awesome.

Alrighty, march on!  I'm thinking that my Pink Drink just may be filled with magic pixie dust!

Tomorrow I add on Bio Cleanse and Pro Bio 5.  Stay tuned!

Oh yeah.  If you're ready to join me in this experiment, click on the link above or send me a message. I think I'm onto something wonderful!